Glossary of Terms

This is a living page that is reviewed regularly and updated according to our needs.

This alphabetical glossary of terms is rooted specifically in AFIRE's values, understanding, and practice.

AFIRE Organizing
A strategy to intentionally create the conditions to learn, grow, build, and move towards a shared vision of liberation for immigrants, workers, domestic workers, queer and trans people, and oppressed peoples everywhere.

A framework is a basic concept or idea that supports how we do our work. AFIRE’s frameworks inform all aspects of our activities and planning.

An issue is an idea or concept that our community or communities can organize around.

Our collective freedom from oppression.

Mission Statement
Our mission statement is a description of our purpose and the work we are doing right now. 

North Star
Our North Star is a constant reminder that our work is always oriented toward the liberation of the communities we work with and advocate for, as well as all oppressed communities everywhere.